Engineering archaeology – Jobbe Wijnen


Published on maart 25th, 2018 | by admin


Engineering archaeology

As an archaeologist with a great dislike for ‘as new restorations’ – in professional terminology called a-historical restorations, because you delete history in the process – this was quite a counter-intuitive move for me.
However, repainting this 60 years old induction or asynchronous motor will ensure higher attractivity for buyers of whom most will not buy an 3 fase 380 Volt motor to fill their private museum, but as a functional object. So, as I as an archaeologist have a duty to point out the value of the old and discarded, and help its survival in the future, it seemed the best option in this case. Of course, I also checked and greased the bearings and made the interior spider-free, as we all know one can fall for good looks, but without a good heart the relationship will still be shit. Well, from a heritage perspective anyway… 😉
This is a common restoration dilemma in modern heritage care. And now just hope that someone will buy it for more than the maintenance costs, or my passion will have screwed me again.

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    "Ik heb Jobbe leren kennen als bij uitstek een creatieve vernieuwer in de archeologie van de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Ook op andere onderwerpen is Jobbe bij RAAP steeds grensverleggend bezig geweest. Ik heb Jobbe verder meegemaakt als een zeer gedreven medewerker, die het vooral belangrijk vindt dat zijn werk in er toe doet."

    Marten Verbruggen, directeur RAAP Archeologisch Adviesbureau.

  • © Jobbe Wijnen